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Surreal Blend | The Works of Michael Caporale

Game Projects

Odd Manor

Odd Manor is an online social game where players inherit a mysterious English Manor. With the help of their gnome assistant, they tend their garden and grow plants that bloom magical fairies. As their knowledge of cryptobotany flourishes and their command over the fae grows, they will eventually discover the many secrets that lie beyond the garden and beyond the realm.

I worked as a liaison between artists and developers on the project, and reported directly to stakeholders. I also designed quests, participated in game design meetings, and managed the CMS for game assets, to ensure objects and missions were implemented as designed.  


gravblock is a unique puzzle game I created in a highly intensive game design class at DigiPen. I am most proud of this game because of its elegance and fluidity. Such a short deadline (5 weeks) proved challenging, but I feel the result is a solid product which can easily be expanded with the level editor available. The object of the game is to clear the board of all colored blocks, by shifting gravity with the touch of the arrow keys. As the game progresses, blocks get smaller and more numerous, leading to more chaos, points and fun.